Showing 101 - 125 of 146 Results
Wind-Jammers by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781377835709 List Price: $16.95
Collar and Daniell's First Year Latin by Collar, William Coe, Willia... ISBN: 9781375708821 List Price: $17.71
The Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, and Atmospheric Appearances at Sea and on Land by Jenkins, Thornton Alexander... ISBN: 9781375408226 List Price: $10.95
The Rule of the Road at Sea and in Inland Waters, Or, Steering and Sailing Rules: Collisions... by Jenkins, Thornton Alexander... ISBN: 9781375448451 List Price: $15.95
The Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, and Atmospheric Appearances at Sea and on Land as Ai... by Jenkins, Thornton A., Thorn... ISBN: 9780649334407 List Price: $9.99
The Cruise of the Petrel: A Story of 1812 by Hains, Thornton Jenkins, Th... ISBN: 9781354747803 List Price: $24.95
Wind-Jammers by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781341414022 List Price: $26.95
Chief Mate's Yarns : Twelve Tales of the Sea by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781341209604 List Price: $27.95
Bahama Bill : Mate of the Wrecking Sloop Sea-horse by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781245514989 List Price: $33.75
Rule of the Road at Sea and in Inland Waters, or, Steering and Sailing Rules; Collisions and... by Jenkins, Thornton Alexander ISBN: 9781236373540 List Price: $19.99
The cruise of the Petrel; a story of 1812 by Thornton Jenkins Hains ISBN: 9781236538895 List Price: $19.99
Black Barque : A Tale of the Pirate Slave-Ship Gentle Hand on Her Last African Cruise by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781248717882 List Price: $32.75
Cruise of the Petrel : A Story Of 1812 by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781248894255 List Price: $26.75
Mr Trunnell : Mate of the Ship Pirate (1900) by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781166999551 List Price: $24.76
Mr Trunnell : Mate of the Ship Pirate (1900) by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781167114410 List Price: $36.76
Voyage of the Arrow by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9781150192906 List Price: $19.96
Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, and Atmospheric Appearances at Sea and on Land As AIDS i... by Jenkins, Thornton Alexander ISBN: 9780265579008 List Price: $25.30
Code of Flotilla and Boat Squadron Signals for the United States Navy (Classic Reprint) by Jenkins, Thornton A. ISBN: 9780265592854 List Price: $28.70
Chief Mate's Yarns : Twelve Tales of the Sea (Classic Reprint) by Hains, Thornton Jenkins ISBN: 9780331623567 List Price: $31.24
Mr. Trunnell, Mate of the Ship Pirate by T. Jenkins (Thornton Jenkin... ISBN: 9781406948233 List Price: $13.95
Code of Flotilla and Boat Squadron Signals for the United States Navy (Classic Reprint) by Jenkins, Thornton A. ISBN: 9780282902025 List Price: $11.57
Bahama Bill: Mate Of The Wrecking Sloop Sea-horse by Thornton Jenkins Hains ISBN: 9781340540128 List Price: $27.95
Rule of the Road at Sea and in Inland Waters, or Steering and Saiiling Rules : Collisions an... by Jenkins, Thornton A. ISBN: 9780267132409 List Price: $28.78
The Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, and Atmospheric Appearances at Sea and on Land by Thornton Alexander Jenkins ISBN: 9780343619589 List Price: $17.95
Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, and Atmospheric Appearances at Sea and on Land by Jenkins, Thornton Alexander ISBN: 9781016020237 List Price: $24.95
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